Several Amateur Radio contests each year. Some from home station (QTH), others from field stations set up for the contest.
Home station - off-centre fed dipole and 160m dipole, plus VHF, UHF
2007 Poatina - VHF Field Day (pic by VK7ZZ)
2008 Southport - Oceania - view from the shack
2008 Oceania VK7NXX, CAV
2008 Southport - Oceania - vertical antenna tuner
2009 John Moyle Memorial Field Day VK7JGD in TPE's caravan
2006 Gordon - Oceania competition
2006 Gordon - Oceania competition - portable mast
2006 Gordon - Oceania competition
2006 Gordon - Oceania competition - trailer shack
2006 Gordon - Oceania competition - trailer station
2007 Snug - John Moyle Memorial Field Day =-VK7JGD, ARN
2007 Poatina - VHF Field Day
2008 Southport - Oceania